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We are united in learning and walking Jesus' way of love, kindness and justice.

Sunday Services

We worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM, in person and online.

God is love.

Hating migrants and trans people, denying reproductive rights,

cutting aid for the poor, destroying the climate —

this is deeply wrong.

Easter Services 2025

Ash Wednesday
3/5 at 7:00pm

Maundy Thursday

4/17 at 6pm

Community Dinner

Good Friday
4/18 at 12pm

Stations of the Cross

Good Friday
4/18 at 7:30pm
Easter Sunday
4/20 at 9:30am

Egg Hunt to Follow

About Our Faith

Episcopalians are Christians who take our cue from a God who loved the world so much as to come among us in our own flesh and blood. We believe it began in Genesis when God started creating matter and called each new creature “good,” or as the earliest Scriptures had it, “beautiful.” God called the earth beautiful, the planets beautiful, all fish, birds and animals beautiful, and all human beings, “very beautiful.” Not surprisingly – given this emphasis on the astonishing gift of God in human form – Episcopalians have been called “The Church of Christmas Day.” We do not discount the central place of the Cross in our faith. It is because of the cross that we know God loves all that God made. No one is outside the arms of God’s mercy and compassion.

The church you will meet when you visit is far more than a building: it is the CHURCH – God in the world and the community of worship. Church of Our Saviour is — as it has been – a place of changed lives, laughter, tears, music, meetings and ministries, baptisms, marriages, funerals, classes, addiction self-help groups, and much love.

What we share is that we’ve embraced the Gospel’s vision of hope and love and profound acceptance in the name of Jesus Christ. We believe God has called us together to reflect a better way of being in the world. As you will see, we are black and white, women and men, young and old, liberal and conservative, gay and straight, single and married, from Secaucus and Jersey City, New York and the places all around us.

Did you miss the service?

Watch a replay on our YouTube Channel

Contact us

Have a prayer request? Want to join our mailing list? Need the link to join our Sunday Service via Zoom? Reach out and let us know.


191 Flanagan Way

Secaucus, NJ 07094



(201) 863-1449

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